Event Horizon
Our Newsletter, Event Horizon, is a newsletter that is published by the San Mateo County Astronomical Society. It has been in continuous publication since 1960.


Prez’s Corner

  • Venus in the Teapot, Jupiter’s Brilliance, and Shooting Stars

    Venus in the Teapot, Jupiter’s Brilliance, and Shooting Stars

    Greetings to the Society,  Venus in the Teapot of Sagittarius As we approach the end of the year, there’s a celestial treat worth observing: Venus is shining brightly in the “Teapot” of Sagittarius. While the Teapot isn’t an official constellation, this distinctive asterism of bright stars within Sagittarius is hard to miss once pointed out.…

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  • JWST shows that dark matter doesn’t exist!

    JWST shows that dark matter doesn’t exist!

    OK now that I got you attention with that over the top headline like newspapers print, lets talk about the facts. The cosmos has always been a wellspring of surprises, and our understanding of its early days remains incomplete. For decades, we were constrained by our technological limits—telescopes couldn’t peer far enough to capture light…

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